Task list:
Main tasks form a few groups with numerous subtasks. At this early stage,
not much is written, green lines are available and tested:
- areas / files to be backed up. for each one
- allocation of safety coefficients
- allocation of accessibility coefficients
- allocation of time interval for backup
- files to be ignored (*.bkp etc.)
- backup devices (locally stored CD, bank stored CB, HDD partition,
usb storage etc.)
- allocation of reliability coefficients
- allocation of aging coefficients
- allocation of accessibility coefficients
- allocation of priority tree (eg use CD for backup files if total
is over 100 k otherwise store on USB stick)
storage reading scripts
- there have to be a script for each device which will read files
and stores results in database
- fbm_selfiles HDD reading script exists
- fbm_scancd CD reading script exists
scripts for backing up
- evaluation of database records and decision for which files to
create new instance and on what storage device
- simple script which creates list of files
to burn on CD (no priorities etc.) fbm_selfiles
- create copies or prepare script for creation of backup(s) - e.g.
source image for CD burner, list of files for tape backup etc
- addition of information about new instances to database
scripts/forms for review of process
- overview of all files monitored by fbm
- overview of files available for recreation of older version (by
- overview of files, which changed since previous dbf session
- overview of files, which dissappeared from system since previous
dbf session
- and which are not in thrash can
- option to remove files in thrashcan both from dbf database and
from thrashcan
- overview of all storage devices
- overview of suspicious files (executables which changed checksum
but not size, files which changed size but not date)
scripts for recreation of filesystem
- when accidentally erased or when previous version is required
- on replacement storage devices
- when system crashed
$Date: 2003/12/09 10:27:47 $